Every Person On ‘The L Term’ Cheats; Do Lesbians Cheat A Lot More? | GO Magazine

Lez review the original
“The L Keyword.”
Bear in mind when
Alice Pieszecki
nearly cheated on Tasha in season 5 with Clea, that visitor on “the design?” After resisting the woman interest, Alice tells

“We all only try to let our
interactions blow-up
at the basic small attraction. Nobody works on their relationships any longer. Everybody’s around for instantaneous satisfaction, and I should not be like that.”

Oh, Alice, you are so correct.

Jenny cheats on Tim with Marina.

Cherie cheats on Steve with Shane.

Bette cheats on Tina with Candace.

Dana cheats on Tonya with Alice.

Tonya cheats on Dana with Melissa.

Tina cheats on Helena with Bette.

Shane cheats on Carmen with Cherie.

Jenny cheats on Max with Claude.

Phyllis cheats on Leonard with Alice.

Shane cheats on Paige with an agent.

Cindi cheats on Dawn with Shane.

Bette cheats on Jodi with Tina.

Niki cheats on Jenny with Greg.

Felicity cheats on her behalf partner with Bette.

Lena cheats on Tess with Shane.

Sophie cheats on Dani with Finley.

It looks like absolutely nothing a lot has evolved for the fidelity department from the show finale a decade ago with the collection finale monthly ago. These females do not have a great background. (But hey, neither do the men. Taking a look at you maximum, Angus, Benjamin Bradshaw, and Gabriel McCutcheon.)

Keep in mind when Jenny attempted to seduce Stacy Merkin’s girl and the girlfriend “only” can make away together shirtless only within college accommodation rather than sex? The woman is considered a “saint.” Think about when Sophie cheats on Dani with Finley

before their unique expected marriage?

Standards, women. Wow.

Everyone else defines cheating in a different way. Some would forgive Tina’s online-only tryst with DaddyOf2; others wouldn’t. (needless to say, on “The L term,” the instant messaging is known as “f*cking him” by Bette, because there are more F bombs on this tv series compared to a bunker.) Tasha says “considering is actually cheating,” and, sadly, by her very own description, she becomes a cheater too (Jaime). Some cases tend to be entirely clear-cut; not one person would declare that Lena’s hook-up with Shane was not cheating.

If this tv show happened to be your own only representation of queer females, you would presume we cannot keep it within trousers. Very, in real life, are we able to?

In British dating firm java & businesses


of 3,000 folks in Britain, 25 % of women — when compared to 9 % of males — said they would undoubtedly cheat when they decrease for an individual outside their connection. However, a special U.S.


in “Archives of intimate Behavior” announced 23 percent of straight guys had cheated inside their present union, versus 19 percent of direct women, so it’s unclear if women or men cheat more to start off with. Regardless, it seems like there can be a good amount of it taking place!

A U.S. learn

published in

Family Process

in 2011 revealed lesbians to get the

least expensive

cheating rates of anyone: 8 per cent for lesbians, ten percent for directly men, 14 per cent for right females, and 59 % for gay men. I find this pretty remarkable, particularly because of the reputation direct guys have.

If lesbians really experience the cheapest infidelity price, next “The L term” is just stirring-up crisis. I happened to be interested in learning exactly what real queer females was required to state relating to this, therefore I published in a

Twitter group

focused on “The L Word: Generation Q.” At first, dozens happened to be wanting to hop in with opinions on what unfaithful “The L term” women can be, contributing to the list at the top of this post. However when I used up asking

exactly why

it was, only 1 individual was actually ready to mention if the tv series reflects the way we have been in real life. Marlena, a 52-year-old lesbian from Maryland, stated she does not believe lesbians cheat anymore than anyone else, but that the understanding is probably a stereotype. When considering the tv series, Marlena states, “i do believe that ‘The L keyword’ is doing their work of enjoyable individuals, while revealing the defects in humanity that we all have. I do not think ‘The L keyword’ accounts for terrible photos anymore than ‘Breaking negative’ is for marketing a picture of a teacher attempting to sell drugs.”

Just how does cheating actually affect a relationship?

A 2016 assessment

more than 63,000 folks posted inside the “Archives of intimate Behavior” looked at who would be much more disappointed over sexual infidelity compared to psychological cheating (slipping deeply in love with somebody else although not literally acting on it). Lesbians and find bisexual women reported they’d end up being equally troubled over either kind. (For what it’s really worth, direct men cared about real and right women the opposite.) I have never personally been duped on (that I’m sure of) or cheated (by my personal meaning),


I did so fall for my personal now-wife in the last week of this commitment I became in. I left that woman before I acted on something using my now-wife, but that ex-girlfriend was not surprisingly upset. Personally I think like i did so the proper thing by not performing on it during another union — you can’t really assist how you feel — but I am able to admit, if my spouse fell in love with another person and remaining myself, it cann’t be much comfort to learn they had intercourse a single day as we divorced instead of the day prior to.

In a few connections, becoming interested in one individual while staying in a relationship with another actually a problem. Polyamorous individuals recognize that these destinations tend to be natural and now have available interactions. Let us end up being clear: Polyamory is


infidelity. Cheating goes outside your contracts along with your partner(s), if in case your own contract claims resting with other people is fine, this may be’s good. (My personal commitment was understood to be monogamous, very setting up with my now-wife while using my then-girlfriend


currently cheating.) While I am physically monogamous inside my orientation, i believe polyamorous people have a great treatment for reduce the example of cheating in relationships when it is initial exactly how we do not prevent having tourist attractions even though we’re partnered. Providing one another permission to act on them in plainly defined boundaries is a sure way somebody predisposed to cheating could preempt any damage potentially due to hooking up with somebody else.

Get Alice Pieszecki as an example once again. I was thinking needless to say she or Nat was going to cheat with Gigi, but instead of blowing in the connection over an attraction, they made it operate. That threesome at the back of Dana’s was actually the hottest world of ”

Generation Q!”

Poly relationships call for a ton of communication, therefore the throuple did not lie down whatever were confident with, leading to the blow-up whenever Nat and Gigi had sex with each other without Alice. It does not have to go all the way down like that (pun intended).

Most lesbians go for about because forgiving as Alice:

One 2015 look

at lesbian connections revealed that whenever there was clearly infidelity, 80 percent of partners broke up. Many times,

the connection already has dilemmas whenever cheating happens

, so that they might have been headed towards break-up in any event. I became positively willing to split with that ex well before We fell so in love with my partner, and that other individual was actually simply the inspiration to at long last leave.

It generally does not seem that cheating is obviously more frequent in interactions between two ladies IRL, exactly what will we perform about this with regards to does developed? Separating is just one choice — like exactly how Tess kept Lena — or focusing on it — like Better and Tina reconciling after the Candace event — is yet another. There’s the preventive measure of opening the partnership like Alice experimented with. Do not require is actually “right,” since every situation and connection is exclusive, but no-one should let it rest unacknowledged.

Exactly like Alice had to carry out in season one of the original “The L keyword” by losing Gabby Deveaux, making a cheater is an affirmation of self-worth. Marlena in Maryland agrees. “should you decide provide the sexual electricity to someone else, you will want to get be with these people. Launch myself and so I is capable of doing the exact same.”